Every January, passionate volunteers help us review applications for the Live Your Dream Awards and select which women will receive an education grant. You could be one of those judges! Let us know if you're interested by joining the waitlist.
What are the Live Your Dream Awards?
The Live Your Dream Awards are an annual scholarship that helps women improve their education, skills, and employment prospects—enabling them to live their dreams.
The Live Your Dream Awards were created help women overcome adversity and reach their full potential. Over half of award recipients are survivors of domestic violence, trafficking, or sexual abuse. Most have faced challenges such as poverty, teen pregnancy, substance abuse, or homelessness.
Each year, we provide more than $3.1 million in education grants to over 2,200 women.
Interested in being a judge next January?
Helping women unlock their full potential.
With support from from people like you—generous volunteers, advocates, and donors—we're moving the needle on gender equality with our global programs that invest in the education dreams of women & girls.
Join the community and take action today!
1709 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-6103
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1709 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-6103
1. Review the confidentiality agreement.
2. Fill out the interest form below with your name and email.
3. In JANUARY, we will email you to confirm your interest and availability.
4. As a judge, you'll have two weeks to review and score 3-5 applications.
Hundreds of eligible applications come in each year for the Live Your Dream Awards. But there are a limited number of awards we can provide.
Volunteer judges help us review and score eligible applications according to financial need, past hardship, demonstrated motivation, and clarity of goals. Top applicants receive a $1,000 award and are eligible for up to $15,000 additional funding.
You Can Help
Sign up for our annual judging event in January! It's a virtual volunteer opportunity that only takes a few hours, but makes a real-word, lasting impact in the lives of women.
STEP 1: Read the Confidentiality Agreement
Agreement is necessary to participate in the process. The confidentiality of the applications is of critical importance to LiveYourDream.org/Soroptimist. Please read and agree to the following confidentiality agreement. Please contact lydawards@soroptimist.org with any questions or concerns.
Please be aware that you may not participate in judging if you apply for the Live Your Dream Awards this year. However if you applied in previous years, you may participate.
Please read before signing up:
You will see confidential personal information from the applicants while evaluating the Live Your Dream Awards applications.
Such confidential information may include, but is not limited to:
• Applicant name and/or names of family members
• Applicant address or general location
• Applicant personal information (including but not limited to marital status, personal history, family history, relationship history)
• Applicant financial information
• Applicant medical information
• Applicant educational information
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of all information and refraining from using information for any purpose.
If, when reading an application, you find that you may know the person, you should stop processing the application and contact lydawards@soroptimist.org immediately. Please do not discuss the applications with outside parties.
STEP 2: Fill out the interest form
We will email you in January when judging begins.