5 Ways to Support Survivors of Domestic Violence

1. Understand the issue.

About LiveYourDream.org

Ending Violence Against Women & Girls

LiveYourDream.org is a movement fiercely dedicated to ensuring every woman and girl has the opportunity to reach her full potential, live free from violence, and of course, live her dreams.

Our online community of nearly 100,000 volunteers and activists participate in actions to address some of the most serious challenges women and girls face today.

We are powered by Soroptimist, a global volunteer organization that provides women and girls with access to the education and training they need to achieve economic empowerment.

Women's Opportunity Through Education

Preparing Girls for Career Success

I pledge to take action to end domestic violence. To...

  • Learn about the facts, warning signs, and educate myself and my community.
  • Speak up against discrimination and violence to break the stigma.
  • Support survivors by reassuring them they are not alone, that help is out there.
  • Listen to survivors without judgment, reassuring their trust and safety.
  • Donate my time or funds to support programs helping victims overcome traumatic experiences.
  • Empower survivors to seek financial independence through programs like Live Your Dream: Education & Training Awards for Women.

Take the pledge to end domestic violence!

With your support, LiveYourDream.org helps thousands of courageous survivors every year get back on their feet and break the cycle of violence.


Once you understand the issues, SPEAK UP to raise awareness on domestic violence! There’s lots of ways to go about this. For example, you might: 

There are so many amazing organizations working to end domestic violence! Most are nonprofits, so they rely on caring people to support them with donations. 

For example, you might make a gift to LiveYourDream.org to help a survivor of violence reclaim her independence!

Shelters often need donated items like new clothes for adults and children, new underwear, food and bottled water, clean towels, personal hygiene items, and bedding. But not every organization accepts item donations, so make sure you call ahead or check on domesticshelters.org to find local shelters’ wish lists first.

Domestic violence is a public justice issue. What is your government doing to support survivors of violence?

Write, call, and tweet your elected officials to find out where they stand. Urge them to prioritize issues like:

2. Start conversations & raise awareness.

3. Donate to help organizations that support survivors. 

4. Fundraise to help organizations that support survivors.

5. Be a political advocate.

If you are a survivor, one of the most powerful things you can do is share your story. At what point did you recognize the signs? What helped you decide to leave? What helped you heal? Your story might help someone else avoid the same pain you went through. 

  • Renewing the Violence Against Women Act 
  • Expanding the definition of domestic violence to include non-physical abuse 
  • Providing government funding for hotlines, shelters, and counseling 
  • Supporting low-income housing, SNAP (food stamps), childcare vouchers, civil legal services, unemployment assistance, and other programs that survivors depend on to get a foothold 
  • Keeping guns out of the hands of known abusers

Anybody can raise money. All it takes is the courage to ask! Peer-to-peer fundraising means reaching out to your friends, family, classmates, coworkers, mentors, coaches, teammates, neighbors, faith community—and asking them to pitch in to your campaign to help survivors of domestic violence.

Technology makes it easy to set up a home base for your fundraising efforts on Facebook. They even give you tips and reminders to make sure your fundraiser is a success. 

A handful of small gifts can suddenly turn into hundreds of dollars, and that money makes a huge difference to organizations supporting victims.

Did you know 1 in 3 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime? Partner abuse is shockingly common, yet it doesn't always get the attention it deserves. 

Learning more about domestic violence is the first step to taking action. Here are a few places to start!

  • Strike up a discussion with a friend or family member 
  • Bring prevention training and awareness programs to your organization, church, school, or other community group

Pledge to End Violence Against Women

I pledge to STAND against domestic violence.
To EDUCATE myself and my community.
To SPEAK UP against victim-blaming and discrimination. 
To SHARE my time and resources to help survivors. 
To EMPOWER survivors through the Dream Programs that provide access to education.

Learn about the issue and pledge to take action!

1709 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-6103

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1709 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-6103